You Shall Love the LORD You Shall Love Your Neighbor
You shall have no other gods before Me You shall make no graven images You shall not take God's name in vain Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy Honor your father and mother You shall not murder You shall not commit adultery You shall not steal You shall not bear false witness You shall not covet your neighbors possessions

You shall not murder

Statute Verses Articles/Videos
  1. God is your healer.
Primary: Ex. 15:26, Deut. 32:39


  1. If you follow God's law He will put no disease upon you.
Primary: Ex. 15:25-26, Ex. 23:20-25, Deut. 7:12-15
Supporting: Psa. 91:9-11
  1. Priests are to diagnose disease.
Primary: Lev. 13:1-7, Lev. 13:9-10, Lev. 13:26-27, Lev. 14:2-3, Lev. 14:54-57
Supporting: Num. 8:19
  1. Priests are to deal with the sick using reflexology - anointing with oil.
Primary: Lev. 14:14-18, Lev. 14:28-29
Supporting: Mark 6:13, James 5:14
  1. Quarantine the diseased person.
Primary: Deut. 23:10-11
  1. You shall burn incense - essential oils - for healing.
Primary: Ex. 25:6, Ex. 30:1-7
Supporting: Eze. 47:12
  1. Turning with repentance, faith, and atonement and the disease will be withdrawn.
Primary: Num. 16:46-50
Supporting: 2 Sam. 24:15-24, Matt. 8:5-13, Matt. 9:27-31
  1. Execute punishment for the sins of the people and the disease will be withdrawn.
Primary: Num. 25:8-9