![]() Welcome to Answereth a Matter
Hi, and welcome to Answereth a Matter.
This is a site designed to help assist in biblical
study. Everything written on this site is for
the purpose of building up believers in the Messiah
Much of the site is dedicated to the Hebrew
background of scripture. Many times we forget that the Messiah was
Hebrew (from the tribe of Judah) and practiced Hebrew Law.
Believers today tend to take God's
If you have never considered practicing the Law of God I would strongly encourage you to look into it. One benefit from practicing God's law is mentioned in Psalm 111:10 where the Psalmist states, "a good understanding have all they that do his commandments." If you want to understand the scriptures you need to start "doing his commandments." James confirms this when he said, "be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves" (James 1:22). We are only deceiving ourselves if we reject the Law of God. Search this site with an open mind and see if God's law is right for you. Check the references and challenge them to see if they are true. The articles I have written are simply my opinions about a biblical topic. Please feel free to contact me if you feel I am in error over anything. I am simply looking for the truth and would love to hear your comments. Thank you for viewing the site and I hope you are blessed as a result.
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV