You Shall Love the LORD You Shall Love Your Neighbor
You shall have no other gods before Me You shall make no graven images You shall not take God's name in vain Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy Honor your father and mother You shall not murder You shall not commit adultery You shall not steal You shall not bear false witness You shall not covet your neighbors possessions

You shall not take God's name in vain

Statute Verses Articles
  1. The office of Judges are established by God.
Primary: Jdgs. 2:16-18
Supporting: 2 Sam. 7:11





  1. Judges are to be appointed.
Primary: Ex. 18:21-22
Supporting: Deut. 1:13-15, Deut. 16:18-19
  1. Judges are to know the laws of YHVH.
Primary: Ezra 7:25-26
Supporting: Lev. 10:11
  1. Judges are to teach the law of YHVH.
Primary: Ex. 18:20-22
Supporting: Ezra 7:25
  1. Judges are to judge the people at all times.
Primary: Ex. 18:21-22, Ex. 18:26
  1. Judges are to be men of truth, hating covetousness.
Primary: Ex. 18:21-22
  1. Judges are to judge matters according ot the laws, statutes, commandments, and judgments of YHVH.
Primary: Ex. 18:16-22
Supporting: 2 Chron. 19:8-11
  1. Judges are to judge righteously.
Primary:  Lev. 19:15, Deut. 1:16-17
Supporting: Deut. 16:18-20, Deut. 25:1-3, 2 Chron. 19:5-7, Prov. 31:9, Jer. 22:3
  1. Judges must not accept bribes.
Primary: Ex. 23:8, Deut. 16:19
Supporting: 1 Sam. 8:2-3, 1 Sam. 12:3, Prov. 17:23
  1. Judges must not be respecters of persons.
Primary: Lev. 19:15, Deut. 1:17
Supporting: Deut. 16:19, 2 Chron. 19:6-7, Prov. 24:23, James 2:2-6, Jude 1:16
  1. Judges are to justify the righteous and condemn the wicked.
Pimary: Deut. 25:1
Supporting: 2 Chron. 6:22-23, Prov. 17:15, Prov. 18:5
  1. A judge must not have mercy on the poor man at trial.
Primary: Ex. 23:2-3, Lev. 19:15
Supporting: Deut. 1:17, James 2:6-9
  1. You shall judge the poor and the needy righteously.
Ex. 23:6, Psalms 82:2-4, Prov. 31:9
  1. Judges must not fear men in judgment.
Deut. 1:17
  1. Judges shall make diligent investigation into all cases before them.
Primary: Deut. 13:14-15, Deut. 17:2-6
Supporting: Deut. 19:18, Deut. 21:1-9
  1. Judges must not pervert a case involving a convert or orphan.
Primary: Deut. 24:17